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electronic Electronics depend mainly on the flow of electricity in parts. Electronics include electronics in general, to understand and design knowledge was needed electricity and basics, the AC and DC. Add to the component parts of electronic devices such as capacitors, resistors and electric duo diode and transistor and others. Electronics is the study and use of systems that operate by controlling flowing electrons, including (or charge carriers other) in some circles other than the conductors address the effect of electricity in conductors flag circuit addresses the validity of the current in the circles of other Electronics and electronic circuits. Of other media such as: valve vacuum and semiconductor. . As well as design and construction of electronic circuit to solve practical problems is the core technology in the field of electronic engineering and equally important in the design of steel equipment in the field of computer engineering. All applications in electronics include either the transfer of information or ability. And most of them deal only with the information. The study of semiconductor devices and similar technologies is sometimes a branch of physics


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