I will present a simple concepts of electronics. The experience showed me that one of the main difficulties encountered by students was the ignorance of the laws of electronics. It uses fewer discrete components but I think the basic knowledge of how the various types of transistors is important.
The presentation of some simple editing is an illustration of the basic functions of analog electronics in particular the reaction, the operational amplifier is generally considered ideal. The basic circuits used in logic (monostable, astable, bistable) are presented with transistors that can see "how it works." In the course, there are links to interactive programs that allow, at least I hope to illustrate and deepen the fine points of the course.
The basic electronic components are divided into two main categories:
The active components contained in most semiconductors, there class: transistors, diodes, integrated circuits ...
There are at least one internal electrical connection between two terminals of the component where the current and voltage have the same sign (oriented in the same direction in the diagram). This is the convention generator.
Passive components include:
resistors, capacitors, coils, filters and assemblies of these components.
In all the internal connections current and voltage are of opposite sign. Convention receiver.
Hybrid or complex
More and more components that appear are modules or assemblies of active and passive components. They can be counted in either the active or they were excluded from electronic components (considering them as electronic circuits in its own right).
2: DC and AC current
DC current
A shortcut to Direct current DC .. A current that always applies in one direction only .. And specified either positive + or negative -. Most electronic devices need DC power to operate .. Because they need a steady stream polar .. Battery power gives a continuous stream and is known for its parties, either positive or negative ..
Note .. Can not connect the DC power converters with power, the spectrum because the frequency of this current is zero, which makes the reluctance of the file is equal to almost zero and this leads to failure in the electronic circuit Short Circuit
AC current
A shortcut to Alternating current, can be connected to electrical transformers with him .. In order to reduce or raise the voltage ..
Current fed to the electrical power supply can be plugged either come from a source of constant current (DC) or AC source (AC). Electricity in DC pass electrons constantly in one direction from the power source through the connector to the pregnancy and back again to the power source. Voltage in the DC power remains constant. Power sources to include DC batteries and DC generators. When using the AC generator, the electrons pass in the direction of then reflect the trend. Generator generator has a name, another alternator. ALTERNATORS reflects the polarity of the parties several times a second. And electrons pass through the connector from the negative terminal to the positive terminal, first in the direction and then in the other direction
AC voltage and current are changing continuously. Graphical representation of the AC wave is in the form of the pocket. Can pocket the form of a wave that represents the current or voltage. No axes. The vertical axis represents the direction of direction and value (Min. - Capacity) magnitude current or voltage. Horizontal axis represents the time